torsdag 27 november 2008

Sense of the Embrace

He could see her. See her eyes. Those beautiful and kind eyes that saw him for who he really was and didn’t mind. See the smile that warms his heart and gives him strength. He could hear her. Hear her warm laugh that makes him feel safe and makes him smile. He’d always thought her attractive but he realized that she really was as beautiful as a dream. He could hear himself tell her so, could smell her as she came closer and then he could feel her. Feel her soft skin against his. Feel the warmth of her body holding him tight in an embrace. The kind so intimate it bares the soul and makes you one, and he could taste her. He could sense her, her whole being. For a moment it was real. It was as real as if she was there, but she might aswell have been a million miles away, a dream, and then she was gone. In a flash she was gone and he was back. He was back in his cold dark room longing for that embrace, that feeling.
Longing for her.

//2008-05-11 Anders Öhlund

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Känns bra att någon som faktiskt kan stava och använda "," och "." börjat blogga. :P

Unknown sa...

Hahaha! xD
Tacksi tacksi! :P