tisdag 31 augusti 2010

Creative processing

Alone again in the night. He sits in his sofa in his solitude. It's late and outside the autumn darkness has taken over. No longer does light seep in thru the blinds in the windows. Summers joyful season has finally ended. In front of him the huge screen shows a visualizer and in the speakers surrounding him a chip tune plays. He sits there staring at the ever changing patterns swirling and dancing in front of his eyes. If pressed to describe them he would perhaps say they looked like colored drops of milk laced with acid dropped into the vortex of water draining out of a kitchen sink viewed thru a kaleidoscope. His ears in turn being filled with triangles, squares and white noise. Simple sounds. Sharp and raw, yet beautiful and strangely soothing. Immersed in this sensory experience normal thinking is scattered and distracted. Not really thinking. Yet a thought, an idea, slowly starts to form in his mind. One of himself sitting at his computer writing a short story.
    The story being of a boy and a girl. They are not romantically involved yet they seem very close. A friendship that could be described as intimate. He picks a scenario where they are alone. Perhaps they've just seen a movie or shared a quiet dinner or simply talked about nothing and everything all at once just enjoying each others company. The story continues as the dialog reveals that she has a boyfriend or a date and that there is a problem. It could be the obvious like a cheating boyfriend or abuse, physical or sexual. It could also be something more subtle yet emotionally loaded like not feeling noticed or that she realized she is not in love with him and questions if she ever was. The boy being a good and caring friend does what every good and caring friend does. Listens. Really listens. That is until she turns the conversation around and says the words that hurt him more than anything. Especially coming from her. She looks at him and asks how someone as wonderful as he hasn't found a girl.

//Anders Öhlund - 2010-08-31

5 kommentarer:

Daniel sa...

Attraction isn't a choice.

Jens Markström sa...

Jag förstår precis vad du menar, jag har själv haft stora problem med precis samma sak, men det finns en lösning, den kräver en hel del tid och noggranhet men det är en lösning som jag tror fungerar för alla.
Svaret på mitt problem kom från en stor man som har hjälpt många och berikat otaliga hem. Min vän Ingvar kan hjälpa dig han har både billiga rullgardiner och mörkläggnings gardiner. Persienner är något ingen människa ska behöva genomlida då det förstör så mycket sömn särskilt i norra sverige.

Pöss med kran
Med Vänliga Hälsningar
Din vän med GAD
Jens Markström

Unknown sa...

@Jens: Haha.. underbart surprise ending på din kommentar där! ;) Jag har mörkläggningsgardiner men den ena har ramlat ner. Dessutom är det svårt att få det helt tätt. Det läker dessutom in ljus via köket :P

Anonym sa...

Inte alls dumt.

Natalie sa...

Wtb styckeindelning! Jag kan inte läsa ett sånt där långt sjok av text. ;)
Eller kan kan jag tydligen, för jag gillar det jag läser! Men det hade varit enklare med några stycken.
Så, nu har jag visat att jag läser - och jag gör det med nöje! Keep going, mate!